Demand Direct
Demand Direct is your Print On Demand service solution. Ideal for frequently needed items such as forms, training materials, technical documents, price lists, or brochures.
Electronic Print On Demand using the Sebis Demand Direct system can create new efficiencies for your organization.
The Sebis Demand Direct system utilizes strict Print On Demand disciplines to provide high levels of quality and cost control in the management and distribution of printed materials.
By replacing traditional methods, your organization can obtain savings in delivery times and money. With Print On Demand methods, including order management and customization of documents, there's no need to pre-print 3-6 months of materials in advance. Costs incurred for additional warehouse storage and releases no longer exist.
Print On Demand allows your organization to update versions of documents easily without discarding pre-printed stock of the previous version.
Your forms and materials can take on new objectives and provide better utility due to your ability to increase the personalization or customization of each document.
Materials are ordered online only when needed. Any document can be imaged and finished within hours of placing the order. Demand Direct stores electronic versions of your documents along with any and all finishing, bindery, assembly or kitting specifications. By utilizing digital imaging, documents and other devices can also take advantage of customization techniques. Complete command and control of all your Print On Demand activity is provided online with Access Direct.
Contact Sebis Direct to learn more about how Print On Demand digital technology can improve your printed document distribution today! Call (312) 243-9300 for additional details. Ask for the Sales Department.
Print-on-Demand can be used in some of the following areas:
- Technical guides and publications
- Training manuals
- Pamphlets
- Books
- Insurance forms
- Multi-part forms
- Direct mail shells
- Insurance certificates and materials
- Newsletters